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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The End of The Beginning

Yo, peeps! I'm at work and yet I'm blogging. Don't blame me for I'm going to puke if I stare a second longer at the long-winded-never-ending words in the journals. So, here I am, blogging, taking five (or rather, more than five). Can you believe that CNY has ended for 3 days already? How fast, right? It felt like yesterday when it just started. And now, it's over! O.V.E.R. OVER!!! CNY came just as fast as it went. That signifies the end of my holiday! Sad...sad...sad... I'm suffering from post CNY depression disorder. No more holidays until May???!!!! Very nice...

2 days before the last day of CNY, my brother and I went for movie AGAIN. Yes, again! I think that was my 13th movie since January 2010. Rather proud of my record. This time, we watched True Legend, starred by Jay Chou (wooo hooo). That's the only reason I watched because he's in it, although I know his acting really sucks. But I don't care cause I just wanna see him. Haha! Nice movie though but not super duper nice. After movie, on the way to KFC, I got canned at my left leg by a malay woman. WTF! The funny and worse thing was, she just stood there giving me dumb and brainless looks without bothering to apologize. WTF!!! Luckily no scar left, or else I'll sue her. That was a lame joke, ok...

On the last day of CNY, a.k.a. Chap Goh Meh a.k.a. Chinese Valentine's Day, I had my second Lou Sang session with my brother and KK at Sakae Sushi. We ordered Yee Sang and sushis but it took like forever for the food to arrive. We were starving, ok? So inefficient ... sigh. The Yee Sang looked nice on the outside, tasted not too bad too, but still, the one we had in Sushi King was nicer.

Yee Sang at Sakae Sushi

Notice any difference with the picture above? Yup...the 2 packets were now inside the Yee Sang.

Lou higher. Stand on the chair if not high enough.

After a while....DONE!

After brunch, we went to 拜年 (house visiting) at KK's house. Wow...he's so quiet even at home. Scared me. Brother and him were playing PS while I was 發霉-ing (culturing molds). After about 2 hours, we went out to walk at the nearby park. Here are some of the frozen shots.

Tom & Jerry??? OMG!!

Two old vandalists

KK was launched into space. Up, up & away!!!

We then left and went to my aunt's house (my old home). Sat and chatted and laughed for about an hour before going for dinner.

My form 6 buddy

She'll kill me for posting this photo. But I like this.

Initially, we planned to have dinner at a restaurant (forgotten the name) at the Gardens. But then suddenly changed plan to Times Square. We chose BBQ Plaza since we never tried out. my utmost disappointment, the food were so tasteless. Even the drinks were tasteless too. WTF! No second time, for sure! Wasted! Regretted not going to the Gardens.



Anyway, that was the end of my CNY. My supervisor surprised my lab mate and I with a good news this morning as she said she's going to give us a bonus of 300 bucks for CNY. Woooo Hoooo! Though it is not a large sum, but still, thanks!!! (P/s : My probation was supposed to be 3 months but now became 2....weeeee).

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